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Service Tree

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Horology Museums

Taxonomy Code: TA-5500.3300

Institutions that acquire, preserve, research and exhibit permanent and/or traveling collections of artifacts which relate to the science of time and the history of timekeeping from the earliest sundials to modern timepieces. The collections may be general in nature or specialize in clocks and/or watches from a particular country or era, or made by a specific clockmaker or watchmaking company; and may include a wide variety of timepieces such as sundials, early pocket sundials, water clocks, sand-glass clocks, chronometers, astronomical regulators (displaying universal time, sidereal time, local time and the orbits of the planets and the moon), grandfather clocks, shelf clocks, wall clocks, tower/church clocks, musical clocks, alarm clocks, pocket watches, railroad watches, wristwatches, watch keys and fobs, jeweled watches, non-jeweled "dollar" watches, bracelet watches, ring watches and novelty items such as Mickey Mouse watches. Displays that illustrate significant milestones in the development of timekeeping technology, reveal the inner workings of the gears of a clock or exhibit and/or demonstrate watchmaking machinery and tools may also be available.

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