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Translation Localization/Globalization Services

Taxonomy Code: PH-3500.8600

Programs that provide translation services that involve the complete adaptation of a product for use by a specific audience in a particular locale. Localization efforts go beyond literal translation and ensure that a product reflects the language and cultural conventions of a specific target market as well as applicable technical standards, stylistic requirements and other user expectations. In addition to idiomatic language translation, local details such currency, national regulations and holidays, cultural sensitivities, product or service names, gender roles, geographic references and other similar details must be considered. Products need to be globalized before they can be localized for specific languages and cultures, a process which prepares the product for localization by taking steps that make the text easier to translate, e.g., adopting a consistent writing style, standard terminology and controlled grammar rules; using written examples that have global meaning; planning the layout of graphics to accommodate text that is read from right to left as well as left to right; and allowing space in user interfaces (e.g., hardware labels, help pages, online menus) for translation into languages that require more space. A well-globalized product is one that has been enabled at a technical level for localization.

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