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Agricultural Soil Testing

Taxonomy Code: BD-2600.0500-052

Programs that conduct soil analyses for farmers, homeowners, landscape contractors, golf course superintendents, ornamental nursery establishments and others who are interested in determining the nutrient content, composition and other characteristics of their soil as well as the optimum lime and fertilizer requirements for the crop, grasses, flowers or other plants they wish to grow. The tests generally include major nutrients (nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium), secondary nutrients (sulfur, calcium and magnesium), minor nutrients (iron, manganese, copper, zinc, boron, molybdenum and aluminum), physical properties (soil acidity, electrical conductivity), soil organic matter, moisture content and soil contaminants (e.g., fuel components such as benzene, toluene, xylene, petroleum hydrocarbons). The final report includes the chemical analysis of the soil along with lime and fertilizer recommendations for the crop specified. Included are programs that provide soil fertility test kits (which usually include tests for nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, and for soil acidity) as well as soil testing labs that conduct the analyses using soil samples submitted by the individual. Soil testing can help agricultural establishments optimize their nutrient inputs, increase the soil quality of their land or garden and select the type of crops most appropriate to their soil type.

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