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DUPAGE COUNTY, IL. FEBRUARY is celebrating 211 Day as the go-to resource: 211 DuPage, a service that has helped roughly 15,750residents in our community access assistance for immediate and long-term challenges since it launched on November 15, 2022. 

The DuPage County Board has voted to proclaim February 11, 2025, as 211 Day in DuPage County to endorse the value of the helpline to our community’s residents and to raise awareness about the free service. 211 DuPage is a confidential 24-hour information and referral helpline that connects residents to health and human services.

Throughout 2024, trained call specialists connected roughly 8,650 people to locally available services, including help with rent, food, utility bills, senior programs, caregiver support, and health care. For example, 4,172 residents sought assistance for utility payments, more than 2,100 callers requested help for their rent, and roughly 650 people got referrals to food pantries. 

Residents can call 211 anytime, or text their ZIP code to TXT211 or 898211 to get referrals to assistance available near them. Individuals seeking help may also visit the website at https://211dupage.gov to find available services nearby 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Anyone can get referrals over the phone, emailed to them, or texted to their cell phone for mental health services, addiction support and rehabilitation, crisis counseling, supplemental food programs, shelter, affordable housing options, employment, financial assistance, senior programs, transportation, and more. 

Over the past two decades, DuPage County has compiled a database of more than 600 service providers together offering thousands of services for DuPage County residents of all ages – from newborns to older adults. 

Adding and updating resources is an ongoing effort. Interested agencies can visit https://211DuPage.govfor more information. Guidelines can be found in the Inclusion Policy.