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The Veterans Assistance Commission of DuPage County has launched a new initiative to provide one-stop resource hubs for the veteran community. Starting in February, College of DuPage in Glen Ellyn will serve as a rally point for various services on the first Wednesday of each month.

What does this mean for veterans and their families?

On the first Wednesday of every month, a range of resources will be available to veterans on a walk-in basis from 9:00 am to 2:00 pm in the Veterans Lounge, located in the Student Service Center (SRC 3379), on the college campust at 425 Fawell Boulevard.

Resources Include:

Veterans Assistance Commision of DuPage County
Alberto Rangel Meija, Veterans Service Officer (VSO) will be available to help veterans navigate the VA claims process, assist with benefits and provide referrals, intakes, and financial assistance.

VA Hines Outreach will be on hand to help veterans enroll in VA healthcare and answer healthcare related questions.

Vet Center will be able to provide Mental Health Intake & Referrals for Veterans and their families.