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Learning Styles Analysis

Taxonomy Code: TP-6650.4000

Programs that offer workshops or other forms of training or support that help participants identify their own learning style (i.e., their preferred method of receiving and processing information) and improve their ability to learn by using the method(s) that are most comfortable and natural to them. The workshop may also deal with the impact an individual's learning style has on his or her ability to understand and work effectively with others whose styles are different and implications for tailoring training sessions and presentations for audiences whose members may have different learning styles. Three types of learning style are generally distinguished including auditory learners (those who learn best by hearing information), visual learners (those who learn best by reading) and tactile learners (those who learn best by hands-on experience). An additional distinction is sometimes made regarding the way people think: linear thinkers (those who go step-by-step through details) and global thinkers (those who are most comfortable with the big picture). These programs may also address specific theories of learning such as Action Learning and Leaders Circles.

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