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Service Tree

The Service Tree lists all services in "branched" groups, starting with the very general and moving to the very specific. Click on the name of any group name to see the sub-groups available within it. Click on a service code to see its details and the providers who offer that service.

Electronic Information Resources

Programs that permit individuals using personal computers equipped with modems and communications software to access information and services that reside on or are available through remote computers. Included are programs that maintain Internet websites which provide information and/or services for users as well as those that offer on-line connection services which help users identify and locate the information and services they need.

Information and Referral

Programs whose primary purpose is to maintain information about human service resources in the community and to link people who need assistance with appropriate service providers and/or to supply descriptive information about the agencies or organizations which offer services. The information and referral process involves establishing contact with the individual, assessing the individual's long and short-term needs, identifying resources to meet those needs, providing a referral to identified resources, and, where appropriate, following up to ensure that the individual's needs have been met.

Information Sources

Programs that provide information about a particular topic or service that interested individuals can access on a website or in person, or by telephone, email, chat, text or other communication channel such as a video relay service. Information may be in a self-serve, browsable format (for example a web resource directory or library of audio recordings) or provided by live agents with expertise in the field.


Facilities which house a collection of materials including books, manuscripts, journals, government documents and nonprint formats such as paintings, musical recordings, videotapes, films and data files on magnetic tape which are organized to provide physical, bibliographic and intellectual access to a targeted group of people and which generally make available staff to provide services and programs related to the information needs of the targeted group.

Library Services

Libraries and other facilities that offer a range of activities and services which are designed to meet the information and learning needs of patrons and to facilitate their enjoyment of library resources. Included are reference services, programs which introduce and encourage reading, services which enable people who cannot access the facility to utilize library resources and special collections which provide access to a broad spectrum of general and specialized book and nonbook material as well as reading material in alternative formats.
