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Service Tree

The Service Tree lists all services in "branched" groups, starting with the very general and moving to the very specific. Click on the name of any group name to see the sub-groups available within it. Click on a service code to see its details and the providers who offer that service.

Photography Instruction

Taxonomy Code: PL-7400.0500-670

Programs that provide classes, individual lessons or other opportunities for people who want to learn or perfect their digital camera skills. Classes may include instruction in camera menus and functions, camera settings, using the LCD monitor and viewfinder, photo sizing and pixel dimensions, downloading photos to a computer, resizing photos, camera accessories (e.g., tripods, extra memory cards and spare batteries) and tips for taking good photos. Also included are photo management classes which teach participants to create borders, correct colors, resize images, crop, repair, add backgrounds, create slide shows and other techniques; and classes for people who use a film camera which may have a unit on enlarging and developing photographs.

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Photo Sharing Web Services (TJ-1800.3300-600.64)

Digital Camera Donation Programs (TI-1800.5200-180)

Photography Exhibits (TA-9000.0300-680)

Photography Volunteer Opportunities (PX-1600.6500)

Photography Clubs (PS-8200.0550-670)

Graphic/Digital Arts Instruction (PL-7400.0500-300)

Adapted Photographic Equipment (LH-0600.7000-070)

Digital Cameras (BM-5050.1800)
