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Service Tree

The Service Tree lists all services in "branched" groups, starting with the very general and moving to the very specific. Click on the name of any group name to see the sub-groups available within it. Click on a service code to see its details and the providers who offer that service.

Doula Services

Programs that offer the services of doulas, women experienced in childbirth who are specially trained to provide continuous physical, emotional and informational support for pregnant women before, during and just after labor and childbirth. The doula helps in the development of a birth plan; provides an objective view of the progress of labor; helps the woman make adjustments if unexpected demands or complications arise; guides her in breathing techniques, positioning, massage and use of the bath, shower, birth ball, hot and cold packs and other comfort measures; communicates with her birth partner; and makes one or more postpartum visits to the family's home following birth to offer guidance and support during the early weeks of parenting. "Doula" is a Greek word for "women helping women".

Maternity Homes

Programs that provide shelter, care and support services, which often include counseling regarding future plans and instruction in child care and development, for pregnant women who are unable to remain in their own homes.

Prenatal Care

Programs that provide medical care for expectant mothers from the time of conception to the onset of labor to ensure their own physical well-being and the healthy development and birth of their child. Services generally include identification of risk factors based on age, health and/or personal and family history that may affect a woman's pregnancy; diet and lifestyle advice; routine checkups to look for signs of problems associated with pregnancy (such as edema, preeclampsia, or gestational diabetes) and to assure that the pregnancy is progressing well; ultrasound and other forms of prenatal testing to monitor fetal development and check for possible birth defects; and general information about being pregnant, e.g., what is normal and what is cause for concern, remedies for morning sickness or sleeplessness, managing weight gain and other common issues.

Prenatal/Postnatal Home Visitation Programs

Programs staffed by nurses or other trained professionals or volunteers that visit the homes of eligible mothers during pregnancy and early infancy to help the women improve their personal health and development during the prenatal period and learn to care for the child following birth. The visits encourage the mothers to maintain good nutrition; and provide information regarding danger signs in pregnancy, preparation for labor and delivery, breastfeeding and other feeding options, baby supplies, basic infant care, newborn behaviors and child development. They help to ensure that infants and toddlers are nurtured, live in a safe environment in and around the home and receive proper health care. Included are programs that focus on low income individuals, pregnant teens, first-time mothers, women with high risk pregnancies or other special populations as well as those that are more broadly available.

Safe Havens for Abandoned Newborns

Hospitals, health centers, police stations, fire houses and other facilities that are willing to accept, without questions, newborn babies delivered by mothers who are unwilling or unable to care for an infant and are thereby at risk for abandonment. Police reports are generally not filed and no attempt is made to contact the mother's family, even in situations where her identity is known. Infant safe haven statutes vary by jurisdiction with regard to who may leave a baby at a safe haven, the age of the baby at the time of relinquishment, the facilities that can be designated as safe havens, the responsibilities of safe haven providers, anonymity protection for parents and the consequences of relinquishment.
