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Service Tree

The Service Tree lists all services in "branched" groups, starting with the very general and moving to the very specific. Click on the name of any group name to see the sub-groups available within it. Click on a service code to see its details and the providers who offer that service.

AIDS/HIV Prevention Counseling

Programs that provide counseling services for individuals at risk for contracting or transmitting the HIV virus with the objective of supporting their ability to make behavior changes that will reduce their risk of acquiring or transmitting HIV. Counseling involves a personal risk assessment, development of a personalized action plan and the decision to seek an HIV test. Individuals who have a history of injection drug use, sex with a person with HIV/AIDS, sex with a man who has sex with other men, sex with an injection drug user, a sexually transmitted disease, or exchanging money or drugs for sex are considered to be at high or increased risk and are targets for prevention counseling.

Assistive Technology Training

Programs that provide training for individuals who have physical or sensory limitations and/or for their caregivers which focuses on the care and utilization of the particular type of assistive technology product they require and changes the devices might require in their lives. Assistive technology training may deal with cognitive/learning aids, computer access aids, assistive technology software, control and signaling aids, daily living aids, hearing augmentation aids, mobility aids, prosthetic/orthotic/seating devices, recreational aids, speech aids and/or visual aids.

Disease/Disability Information

Programs that provide information about the causes and origins, preventive measures, symptoms, screening/diagnostic procedures, and/or methods of treatment or management including the latest research for specific illnesses or disabling conditions.

General Health Education Programs

Programs that provide information that helps the public make choices which promote personal health, prevent illness and disability, take advantage of opportunities for early detection, and support their ability to deal effectively with health problems when they arise. General health education programs provide information about a wide variety of health related topics rather than specializing in a particular area.

Health and Residential Facility Evaluation Information

Programs that publish information about health and residential care facilities (including hospitals, dialysis facilities, home health care agencies, nursing facilities and supportive housing for older adults and people with disabilities) that helps consumers compare the facilities in their area and choose the option that best meets their needs. Some programs limit their comparisons to treatment that is related to specific conditions, e.g., heart attack, heart failure or pneumonia.

Nutrition Education

Programs that provide information concerning the basic principles of healthful eating, food handling, food preparation and shopping skills. Included is information about the basic food groups, vitamin and mineral requirements, the relationship of nutrition to the preservation of good health and the prevention of illness, and dietary choices such as vegetarianism.

Physical Activity and Fitness Education/Promotion

Programs that promote the benefits of an active lifestyle and encourage people of all ages to participate in regular physical activity as a means of improving health, preventing disease and enhancing the overall quality of their lives. The programs may be tailored for specific populations such as children, adolescents, older adults, employees or people with disabilities; and generally explain why physical activity is important, offer suggestions regarding easy ways to integrate physical activity into a daily routine (such as taking the stairs, going for a walk or parking further away than one usually does), describe specific benefits that can be experienced (such as building strong bones, strengthening muscles, maintaining flexibility, achieving and maintaining ideal weight, maintaining cardiovascular health, meeting new friends and improving physical self-esteem), and provide guidelines for the type and level of activity that is required to develop and maintain fitness or achieve other health-related goals.

Poison Control

Programs that provide emergency information, usually on a 24-hour basis, for medical personnel or others who may need to take immediate corrective action to treat an individual who has been poisoned or to prevent such an occurrence.

Wellness Programs

Programs that offer individual and/or group sessions which assist participants to understand how their lifestyle impacts their physical and mental health and to develop personal practices that enhance their total well-being. Wellness programs are holistic and combine a variety of components which may include a general physical examination that is tailored to the individual's needs; an evaluation of the person's pattern of exercise, eating habits, sources of stress and other lifestyle elements that are potential risk factors; and the development and implementation of an individualized plan for prevention management and early intervention to optimize health and performance which may include physical fitness sessions, nutrition counseling, stress reduction techniques, biofeedback, practice in assuming responsibility for one's choices, and other specific measures for avoiding physical and mental health problems.
