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Male Sexual Dysfunction Evaluation

Taxonomy Code: LF-4900.7950-500

Programs that offer physical examinations and a variety of specialized tests for men who are experiencing erectile dysfunction (impotence), ejaculatory disturbances, difficulty in reaching orgasm, loss of desire, pain during sexual activity or other forms of male sexual dysfunction. Diagnostic procedures may include identification of illnesses, medication, lifestyle issues such as smoking or drug/alcohol use or other factors that affect sexual function; blood tests to check hormone levels or diagnose other relevant medical problems (e.g., elevated cholesterol or blood sugar, liver and kidney function, thyroid function); and a variety of specialized tests which examine arterial blood flow, blood leakages in the veins of the penis, and penile nerve sensitivity to assess erectile function. The objective of the evaluation is to identify the specific nature of the dysfunction and its cause(s), and to determine the most appropriate form of treatment.

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